Summer Course at VU Amsterdam: Big Ideas in Computer Science

March 23, 2017

“Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes”
– Edsger W. Dijkstra.
Interaction with computers has become a big part of our daily life, but they do much more than help us with practicalities. They are tools for understanding the fundamentals of information, processes and human thinking. The insights they have brought us are some of the most important in human history, with far-reaching consequences for society.
Course level Advanced Bachelor’s
Recommended course combination Block 1: Creativity and InnovationThe Economics of Vibrant Cities
Block 2: Big Data Management and Analysis in UNIXOperations Research: A Mathematical Way to Optimize Your World
Block 2 22 July to 5 August 2017
Co-ordinating lecturer Dr. Ellen Maassen MSc
Other lecturers To be announced
Form(s) of tuition Seminars, reading, lectures, project work, group activities, writing
Form(s) of assessment Homework exercises, essay
Contact hours 45
Tuition fee €1150

Further information is available on the VU website HERE